Materials on ethnomusiology

Етноантрополошке експедициjе студента Анатолиjа Носова у Краљевини Србиjи 1911-1912 (2014)

The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was marked by the rapid development of industrial production which made significant impact on traditional culture. Urbanization, development of treade and financial relations and the mass production in industry caused the reduction in the number and sort of traditional crafts and altered the appearance of human dwellings, closing and taste. Such tendencies opened the problem of museum storage of lost attributes of traditional culture. Increase of interest in collecting ethnographic items laid the foundations for the creation of funds of most present day ethnographic museums. The paper deals with the contribution of the student Anatoly Nosov to the foundation of the ethnographic department in the Russian museum of Emperor Alexander III.

Михајлова А.А. Етноантрополошке експедициjе студента Анатолиjа Носова у Краљевини Србиjи 1911-1912 // Пешчаник. 2014. № 12. С. 180-188.