Materials on ethnomusiology

«Этномузеологическое население А. К. Сержпутовского» в свете современных полевых комплексных исследований (2015)


The report addresses to the issues related to the field of integrated research perspectives and methodological approaches to the study and interpretation of the ethnomuseological heritige through its personification and correlation with modern realities of ethnographic field. The study of A.K. Serzhputovsky’s collections and his collecting strategies as well as the experience of expeditions to the places assosiated with his previous professioal activities (as a country side teacher), have made a number of important analytical conclusions about the significance of this kind of research to understand the ethnic processes, problems of identity and other actual problems of modern science.

Лысенко О.В., Михайлова А.А., Гавришина В.В. «Этномузеологическое население А. К. Сержпутовского» в свете современных полевых комплексных исследований // Единство и многообразие славянского мира: наука, культура, искусство. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 19–20 окт. 2015 г.). СПб., 2015. С. 112–115.